The Auditorium in West Papua was designed by Robert Arnold Sitorus, leader of IAI ( Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia ), commissioned by the mayor of Sorong. He wanted to create something memorable to celebrate the culture and art of West Papua, the native tribes and ancestral routes. The building will be used as a meeting place for the local government, the private sector and the community. For this building a clear sound experience where productivity, a sense of belonging without compromising the architecture and the aesthetic was required. Akustika Swara Indonesia, a K-array distributor, was asked to consult on the multi media offering of the government building. The building area is 1764 square meters, with a capacity of 1500 people. The facilities inside are complete multi media to accommodate education, seminars and critical meetings as well as making visitors feel at home.
This newly constructed building has a very strong enigmatic design, a typical reference of West Papua culture where authentic ornaments from the West Papua tribe are displayed, the space however is very large and demands an accurate sound system that could create even coverage throughout the rooms and the main auditorium. Working with main contractor PT. PDKA a solution was devised to install 3 x Kayman-KY102 on each side of the stage with 4 x Thunder-KMT218 while the side fill and stage monitoring consists of one Python-KP102 on both sides. In addition, to create an expansive coverage Thunder-KMT18's were installed on each side of the upper balcony to reach the listeners positioned higher in the auditorium. Since this is the government project this place has to be a benchmark as the performance building in West Papua, so Akustika Swara had to be very careful to calculate and install to achieve the technical target. With this combination the entire space is clear and consistent, there are no muted spots around the room. Good acoustic and good speakers are the perfect combination to make the perception of high clarity sound.